Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Politics Working

Basildon Town Centre regeneration is going to Cabinet on Thursday, Basildon District Council’s Cabinet that is, not the one chaired by the PM, or John Prescott, or whoever at the moment. As Cabinet Member for Regeneration, this is my thing and this item represents that start of the formal procurement process for a development partner for the Town Centre. It’s a big project, about £1Bn, for the much-needed redevelopment of a late 50s, early 60s town centre, which while not failing is not of high enough quality for a growing community. It’s also a good example of regeneration as a partnership, particularly between a Conservative Council and the various agencies of a Labour government. Labour Councillors and Labour and Conservative MPs have also been very supportive. There is no reason why that should not be the case, of course, as regeneration where it is needed is a cross-party policy.

You see, politics doesn’t always have to be a row.

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