Saturday, July 14, 2007
BBC's Hard questions after fabricated trailer of the Queen
Well now Fincham has apologised but the BBC Trust, to its credit, has asked the Director General for an full explanation. All I can say is that it had better be good.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Planning Law fiasco in the Green Belt
Labour and the Liberal Democrats on the Council have effectively caved in, quite publicly stating that they wouldn’t have borne the cost of enforcing Planning Law. Well, Conservatives are different. We don’t think that the Law is an optional extra or that we should only enforce it when it is easy. We certainly don’t think that those that break the rules should prosper at the expense of those that do.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Brown cashes casinos out
What was always astonishing was that the supposed party of the working class was helping large foreign companies fleece them. Labour MPs, including one G. Brown esquire, voted this through the Commons and, ironically, it was the Lords that stepped in to block Blair's little scheme. Now Gordon Brown has killed it dead. Getting the Gambling Bill through would have taken years of legislative ping-pong between Lords and Commons. In political terms it's not worth it, so the Casinos go, and it's all dressed up as Brown's puritan upbringing and a dramatic break with the past. Everyone wins, except for the American casino executives that is. They probably feel like asking Prescott for their cowboy outfit back.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
John Baron takes on Gordon Brown over the Unpublished Iraq Dossier
The Prime Minister has talked much about the need for openness and transparency in politics, can he therefore explain why his Government continues to defy the Information Commissioner by refusing to publish the first full draft of the Iraq Dossier produced by the Foreign Office Press Officer John Williams on the 9th September 2002 - one day before John Scarlett produced his first full draft? Does the Prime Minister not believe that actions speak louder than words?Gordon Brown replied by saying that the matter would be considered by the correct procedures in due course. John was not impressed. You do have to wonder at the government's desperate efforts to keep the document hidden. It's either a general culture of paranoid secrecy, that hasn't changed a jot under Gordon Brown, or they are hiding something.
Thames Gateway policy set to Change?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Labour Councillors defect to a Conservative Party that Cares
Five Southall Labour Councillors have defected to the Conservatives in the run up to the Ealing Southall by-election on the 19th of July. This is obviously good news for the good guys, and it certainly means that the local Conservatives and candidate Tony Lit are doing something right. It also has a greater significance; all five are from the Sikh community and they clearly feel that in 2007 it is the Conservative Party led by David Cameron that stands for what they believe. That ethnic minority Labour Councillors find a better home in the Conservative Party says volumes about the success of the Cameron project. The Conservative Party was never racist, or as uncaring as it was portrayed by opponents, but it did allow itself to persist with an agenda too wedded to economics and not enough to people. That has changed since 1997, and even more radically since David Cameron’s election. In political terms today’s Conservatives are taking on the Labour Party where they live; on health, on social justice, on community cohesion.
Quite right too.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Conservative Social Justice Policy Group backs marriage
It is with this background that the Conservative Social Justice Policy Group has reported. This has many recommendations, but a key proposal is simply that the tax and benefit system should encourage to stay together and marry. This is not driven by a moral crusade, and it is put forward in the full knowledge that MPs, and the rest of us, are fallible human beings whose relationships don’t always work out. That hasn’t stopped them recommending what is right, and I have no doubt that this will become Conservative policy for the next election. The question is if the Labour government will stick with a benefit system that encourages people to do worse by their children.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Basildon Business Awards
If you read some commentators you would be forgiven for thinking that everything is always awful. Well, it isn't, and maybe we should say so a bit more often.