Thursday, August 06, 2009

Works in Basildon Town Centre

Good news, a flurry of activity in Basildon Town Centre. The Council is starting on cleaning and repairs to the iconic Mother and Child fountain, new lighting, and the lift to High Pavement. If you live in Basildon then this makes sense to you. If you don't then the point is a local Council taking responsibility for its largest town centre and doing very necessary works to maintain its essential appeal and competitiveness. Basildon Town Centre is doing relatively well in this recession, but that doesn't mean there aren't any empty shops and we have to ensure that as and when there is an economic upturn that they are filled again. I have encountered some who think that such things should be left to private business and the market. However, that is a silly position when you are able to do something to improve an aspect of your community, which is at least one of the things that Council's should be about.

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