Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Laindon Centre redeveopment Consultation Starts

If you live in the Basildon area then you probably know the Laindon Centre. As no-one would argue it is a depressing, graffiti-riven piece of 60s brutalist architecture, which has less fallen out of fashion but more a wonder that it ever was in fashion. However, it has some first-class traders, including an excellent Indian restaurant, hairdresser, and a fine chippie. It is in private ownership, and the previous owners had obtained planning permission for a redevelopment. The trouble was that the scheme could not be delivered, at least they could not find anyone to finance it as it stood. Now there are new owners, and they are starting to consult for a new scheme. Basildon Council has used its good offices to get matters to this point, but now it is up to the private sector, and the good people of Laindon, to make it all happen.

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